Tuesday, July 29, 2014


When I look at you
Days past settle like fog on a cool morning
Obscuring my path
Showing only the outline of you
A ghost in the mist.
I'll never reach you.
Your shadow falls across my humbled crown as it bows to you,
In thanks for all you've given me....
Your thousand words locked in a smile.
Every word hoarded away like a treasure.
My heart, a wounded dragon clinging to its prey for as long as it can stand.
It's strength waning but for the power you give through your grace.
How my arms long to be filled.
Yet your path lies ahead with me behind.
I live planted, roots digging slowly through the earths new softness.
Waiting for you to return, yet knowing that there is no return journey for you.
That if you return, it will be from behind, having circled the world's wonders as a child's coloring book.
Your dreams, your broken blue crayon.
Imperfect yet pure.
But while I sit in your ever growing shadow,
It's more likely that someone will come across me,
And my roots, so firmly planted,
I'll have no escape.
And though I'll be primped and groomed and fed, and will give life,
I will never again feel your warmth.
Your brilliant rays soothing.

This is what you wanted.

Though it's unclear whether your roots did not grow or whether they were not correctly cultivated to do so.
But for now,
I have no choice but to stare at your back and pray you turn around,
Or at least walk quickly.

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